Három rendezvényt tartottak egy időben a bátaszéki székelyek házában aranyvasárnap. A Tolna megyei önkormányzat azért választotta az élménypiac elnevezésű programjának az adventi időszakot, hogy segítse az önkormányzatokat és a helyi vállalkozókat az energiaárak emelkedése miatt több helyen elmaradt adventi vásárok bepótlására.
Ma Loránd, Lóránt névnapja van.
szerda, 2025. január 15. CurrencyRate · HUF · 15 Jan
Disclaimers. This plugin or website cannot guarantee the accuracy of the exchange rates displayed. You should confirm current rates before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the exchange rates.
⚡You can install this WP plugin on your website from the WordPress official website: Exchange Rates🚀
CurrencyRate · HUF · 15 Jan
Disclaimers. This plugin or website cannot guarantee the accuracy of the exchange rates displayed. You should confirm current rates before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the exchange rates.
⚡You can install this WP plugin on your website from the WordPress official website: Exchange Rates🚀
CurrencyRate · HUF · 15 Jan
Disclaimers. This plugin or website cannot guarantee the accuracy of the exchange rates displayed. You should confirm current rates before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the exchange rates.
⚡You can install this WP plugin on your website from the WordPress official website: Exchange Rates🚀
CurrencyRate · HUF · 15 Jan
Disclaimers. This plugin or website cannot guarantee the accuracy of the exchange rates displayed. You should confirm current rates before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the exchange rates.
⚡You can install this WP plugin on your website from the WordPress official website: Exchange Rates🚀